Sunday, April 08, 2007

Rock musicians just don't give interviews the way they used to.
btw, having seen Iggy live at Big Day Out a year ago, I can attest that Iggy Pop is still that maniacal on stage. He looks like a reptile with pants that look like they're about to fall off any moment.

Karl Lagerfeld presents us with more evidence that he is not entirely human: When asksed how he felt before a show: "I have no human feelings." When asked about how he keeps the weight off: "I eat next to nothing." And finally, when asked about his insatiable thirst for knowledge, he brushes it off, saying it's not for show: "I like to look very superficial."

Manolo Blahnik will never ever make a pair of platforms. "The platform is the Frankenstein of footwear.",,2028301,00.html

And while we're caught up in the latest spasm of Jane Austen fever, Sydney journos pounder, "was Jane Austen a 41 yr old virgin?"
I personally think there's nothing wrong with being a virgin back in 18th century England. Given that sex was a taboo topic that was rarely discussed at all, the prevalence of 'spinster aunts' and lack of sexual know-how amongst the general populace (or at least amongst polite non-depraved society), not ever having experianced sexual intercourse was no big deal unlike in today's sex-consumed society.Besides, the whole notion of us cringing at the idea of a '40 yr old virgin' is that we envisage someone who's so socially retarded that they 'couldn't get laid'. I think most mature-age virgins, especially female ones, choose not to get laid. That is one very important difference and quite a sensible choice imho when I think about all the disgusting STD and viruses out there. syphilis anyone? Suddenly, abstinence seems very very appealing.


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